How To Build Better Content Marketing Campaigns

There’s a lot that goes into our Campaign Builder. But it has emerged from development as an easy-to-use tool, despite the deep insights and the wealth of background data it’s able to harness.
That was part of the idea, as we talked about in a recent blog that detailed the origin story of our Campaign Builder, an informed, efficient content marketing tool that makes editorial planning and content development a breeze.
Our Campaign Builder essentially distills all the branding and persona work a client has completed into a tool that helps sort and determine desired messaging based on content themes, persona pain points and stages of the customer journey. Because who has the time to go searching through different reports and presentations to find all that information and piece it all together?
Nobody does. It’s part of the reason that information doesn’t get used the way it should, if it’s ever used at all.
For us, our Campaign Builder so easily picks up where our Audience work leaves off, dovetailing perfectly into the creation of an informed Avenues plan. Each piece works together, whether a client is building a multi-step email campaign or planning blogs for the quarter.
Besides being easy to use, our Campaign Builder works across any industry — as long as the information it contains is properly informed. Are the pain points right for the persona at that stage of the journey? Will that persona ask that question at this point of engagement?
Our Campaign Builder aggregates all of it, using simple drop-down menus to target a very specific audience with a very specific message. We’ve used it to:
- Develop lead nurture campaigns for a client that specializes in healthcare staffing
- Inspire messaging and tone for digital assets aimed at recruiting
- Determine tone and focus for healthcare whitepapers
- Craft lead generation campaigns for a specific audience
- Plan quarterly editorial content for ecommerce, food and beverages clients, and more
There’s no doubt in our minds that this approach is what leads to more targeted campaigns, which ultimately leads to better engagement. Think about it. If someone is speaking your language, hitting your specific needs with solutions tailored to you, you’re more likely to listen — and take action.
With this approach, we’ve seen click-thru rates improve (in the 20% range), we’ve seen engagement increase, we’ve seen conversion rates increase (to more than 8%!) and we’ve seen visits to certain webpages extend — to more than eight minutes!
While open rates of 67% and asset downloads of 50% are honestly just numbers, as are the stats above, they represent what’s possible with an informed approach — which our Campaign Builder providers.
Business, afterall, is a numbers game, right? It’s an overused quote, for sure, but one our Campaign Builder brings into focus in a new way. Yes, it’s a numbers game, but with targeted outreach, the numbers that mean something are those associated with ROI.
And with our Campaign Builder, when it comes to time, the investment is slashed by 75%. To get a good feel for how our Campaign Builder works, and how much time it will save, try it for yourself!