Tag: anatomy
It’s Effective. But What Does Anatomy Profile Work Feel Like?

After diving in and completing an Anatomy Profile with WHYFOR, Pine Canyon — a luxury golf community in Flagstaff, Arizona — experienced pretty remarkable results.
While doubling down during the pandemic on its new-found identity as a refuge for its owners and members, Pine Canyon crushed its sales goals (by 53%), saw a spike in SEO traffic (248% increase) and realized a 1,993% return on investment for its marketing efforts.
Deanna Keck, designated broker and sales executive for Symmetry Realty Brokerage at Pine Canyon, participated in the entire process. So, we asked her what she thought of it. Here’s what she said.
Q: What was the Anatomy Profile process like for you? What was your perception?
A: It revealed people to us. We always knew we were drawing from five different zip codes. And we knew friends wanted their neighbors close. A lot of people consider Pine Canyon summer camp. I think it helped us look inwards at just a lot of things we were doing to attract those people and to raise the bar.
If we follow these steps and really reflect on who our audience is, and the anatomy of who we are, we can take Pine Canyon to the next level.
Q: What do you think was the most beneficial element of the process?
A: It gave us a real roadmap of where we were and where we wanted to go. It always gave us the opportunity to bring us back to where we needed to be. We sit where we are today with the refresh of the brand … it allowed for Pine Canyon to set the bar extremely high.
Q: How do you think the work done during the Anatomy Profile impacted your external audiences?
A: We did a really great job of painting a beautiful picture for people to fall in love with. And we had the right people in the right seats to sell the lifestyle.
Q: How did it change how you do business, if it did?
A: I 100 percent believe in what the process brought to us and it really revealed a lot about our company we needed to change. And if other brands are committed to self-reflecting, they’ll get to where they want to go. This is a process for someone who is dedicated. Someone who says, “I want to do everything I can do to get there.” That’s the buy-in you have to get. I know it will make business better.
There are a lot of things that come through the process that are like skeletons in the closet. If you don’t deal with it, you can’t move forward. “Are you ready to make this commitment?” This is hard work. This is like therapy. And therapy is not fun. But when you work through it all, it’s amazing where you can be on the other side. If you can’t approach it that way, you don’t benefit from it.
… and we do believe we heard a mic drop right there, so we’ll wrap it up.
What can WHYFOR’s Anatomy Profiles do for your organization?
Connect with us and let’s find out, together.
When One Word Changes Everything

Sometimes, it’s hard to understand a concept until it’s drawn out, with specifics. We’re thinking about architecture and physics and (gulp) algebra. The Anatomy Profiles we do for brands are the same, except less terrifying than tricky math problems with letters.
We can talk about Anatomy Profiles and explain them, but they sometimes just need a real-world example so they can be easily digested. Pine Canyon, a luxury golf community in Flagstaff, Arizona, is the ideal illustration of the impact our Anatomy Profiles, the first step of our L.A.B.S. system, can have.
Prior to working with WHYFOR, Pine Canyon was selling houses. Pretty straight forward for any developer. To be specific, the community tucked into the Ponderosa pines of northern Arizona, was selling luxury cabins with list prices that many times required multiple commas.
Anyone who stepped foot onto the immaculate grounds at Pine Canyon, which enjoys views of the San Francisco Peaks and frequent visits from area wildlife, could feel that the community was special. It wasn’t just another housing development, with a playground and a bank of mailboxes.
Pine Canyon was a destination, and one’s arrival there meant something. And that feeling needed to be communicated — because, up until then, it wasn’t. Pine Canyon wasn’t using language that inspired its audience to act. It wasn’t conveying its unique benefits, beyond a house.
WHYFOR stepped in and changed that. Anatomy Profile work uncovered a unique differentiation for Pine Canyon, which was actually selling a home — a place where someone belongs — instead of just a dwelling. A minor but gigantic detail.
How gigantic?
After implementing tactics drawn from the Anatomy Profile, Pine Canyon’s leads increased by 40% and the real estate team exceeded sales goals by 53%.
That’s some math we can get behind. Our case study, though, illustrates all the results.
How We Put Anatomy Profiles To Work

Discovering who you are can be a trip. On a personal level, that discovery may come in the wake of turbulent trials or while backpacking through the Sierra Nevada mountains or after stumbling through the desert at Burning Man. Different strokes for different folks.
But for brands that work with us, that discovery is born during a thorough analysis of organizational structure, ideals, process and purpose. We’ve talked about it before — the Anatomy Profile we work with brands to create.
And we imagine you probably want to know what comes next. Because getting information is easy, even if it feels hard in the moment. Using it is the real challenge.
We’ve seen too many brands and organizations pay for marketing research or marketing plans or marketing tactics that they never put to use — or don’t even know how to use.
It. Just. Sits. There. And gets stale. And sad.
We’re not into that. So, we put hard work to work, insisting that the time we’ve spent uncovering a brand’s DNA is never wasted. We’re kind of like drill sergeants for insights, without those annoying whistles.
Once we understand a brand’s anatomy, we build out a complete profile. We know who you are now, so we find out how you’d speak to the people you’re trying to reach. But it’s not just about how you talk — it’s also about what
you say.
Anatomy Profiles include the development of core messages, a sort of content compass, informing content plans for any number of platforms, from taglines to digital ads to tweets. These core messages steer your content creation, ensuring a brand’s anatomy shines through, consistently, with every word.
Anatomy work has the potential to uncover a more applicable direction for a brand or organization, and often does. Because it drills down to a common denominator (no fractions needed) and builds a fresh foundation that otherwise may have gone undiscovered.
It’s the whole “forest for the trees” thing.
The entire process allows a brand to reset or rediscover how it wants to make people feel and how it wants to be viewed. Once that self-discovery is done, the army of insights turn and face the audience, because that’s their
next mission.
The information gained from the development of Anatomy Profiles trickles up, if you can visualize that anomaly. It improves your understanding of and ability to convey your unique differentiators in the tone that fits your brand and your audiences.
It’s a delicate dance, and if done properly, can positively impact organizational struggles related to recruitment, retention and recognition, among other issues that start with the letter “r.” There actually are a few more.
And once it’s complete, we start looking at Audience Personas. The Anatomy Profile flows right into it, like a hand into a glove — a working glove made of leather or suede instead of a fancy, white one from those old English shows.
Because, like we said, we put this work to work. Intrigued? Our Anatomy Profile work is something we love to talk about, so let’s connect.
Who Are You, Really?

We’ve all wondered who we are, exactly, at some point. That great existential introspection can be terrifying or exhilarating. Or, maybe both? Regardless, that monumental personal discovery can create understanding, facilitate empathy, inspire connections and fuel change.
It’s heavy. Who we are is pretty much our everything.
Same goes for brands.
It’s foolish to launch marketing efforts, create digital campaigns, and develop logos and taglines and websites if you have no idea who you really are. And you’d be surprised at how many businesses don’t know who they are. It’s startling, actually.
You have to understand yourself first, inside and out. Or, it’s all a waste. We’ve seen the aftermath. And it’s not pretty.
This is what WHYFOR’s Anatomy Profiles accomplish. Part of the H.A.L.O. business system, WHYFOR’s Anatomy Profiles ask all the questions. And by all, we mean every last one.
What makes a brand tick? How does it feel? What would it say? Would it wear tie-dye or cuff links? Cream or sugar, bagels or donuts? All the most important things, from the hard-hitting to the warm-and-fuzzy.
We ask, because we string the answers together to build an organizational gene code. Yeah, our Anatomy Profiles is basically DNA research for brands. It’s actually a science, we just don’t wear lab coats — because despite how serious we are, even we know that would be a bit much.
The work we put into the intensive lab workshop spits out a customized brand recipe, a brand anatomy that acts as a foundation for its larger personality, intentions and direction. It informs the strategic approach towards its audiences and delineates the avenues it will use to reach them.
WHYFOR refers to these elements — anatomy, audiences and avenues — as the 3As. They’re a big deal. And as we said before, they all start with anatomy — knowing what you’re made of.
Brand anatomy uncovers voice and tone, establishing an appropriate feel when delivering messaging, be it in an email, on social media or embedded in ads and collateral. It’s how a brand speaks. It’s what it sounds like.
Is it authoritative? Is it a jokester? Is it educational, empathetic or empowering?
Beyond voice, it also develops a strategy statement, identifies values and sets brand standards for imagery and style, specifying colors and fonts and building a compass of organizational integrity.
WHYFOR’s Anatomy Profiles are vital, basically. And although the profiles unearth a substantial volume of critical intel on a brand, they’re only one step — the first step in the process.
There’s more.
Because finding out who you are is big. But, finding out how to flex, how to use your superpowers, that’s the next step.
To learn more about WHYFOR’s Anatomy Profiles or its H.A.L.O. business system, reach out. We’d love to fill you in.